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Caregiver with Patient

About Us

Star Turn Services is a domiciliary care and supported living provider dedicated to supporting younger adults (18 – 65) with varying care needs to live fulfilling lives within their own homes and in the community.  Star Turn Services adopts a bespoke and person-centred approach to care and support ensuring that each of our service users has a differentiated care package that addresses their specific and holistic needs. We employ highly skilled staff that place dignity and choice at the very core of all aspects of care and support to service users.


We optimise the involvement of family and friends wherever appropriate to achieve positive outcomes for our service users.

Star Turn Services works with service users to ensure that their living environment is comfortable and safe to meet their specific needs. We ensure that service users’ specific cultural and practical needs are thoroughly understood and well supported through service user led personalised care plans and comprehensive risk assessments. 

We play an enabling role in developing, supporting and consolidating the service users’ individual daily living skills in the areas of cooking, budgeting, shopping, scheduling and attending appointments. 

Star Turn Services seeks to work in close partnership with our service users and relevant local and statutory agencies to ensure that our service users can access training and employment as well as enjoy a varied range of sporting and leisure activities within their communities.

We seek to regularly review and improve our services to our service users by seeking and utilising their individual views and that of their family, as well as those of their professional network and advocates to improve the care we provide to them. We are committed to promoting service user rights and to ensuring that all our service users can be fully integrated in their local communities as well as enjoy individual privacy in line with their individual wishes and aspirations.

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